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Sorry The slid Below is NOT  AVAILABLE !


The slids above are NOT AVAILABLE because slid.com haves now shut down there site. So no one can make any slids any more. But don't worry more slids will be available soon! If you want to find about more why slid.com haves closed their website click here. 

 Look at Jeremiah's pictures!

Click here for more pictures! 

 Fun game websites , clink on them!

 Videos and youtubes who i subsibe 2 on youtube

KYR SP33dy and the crew:

discreption: they play xbox 360 and PC. They mostly play call of duty , Minecraft, and Grand theft auto. 

 SkyDoseMinecraft and his team

desciption: Plays Minecraft On PC (persial computer)


 Fun links

 My computer blog that will help you with trobbles with your computer and download things for computers.

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